The Texas Senate Finance Committee advanced a $5,000 teacher pay raise proposal on
Monday, February 25, 2019.
It’s estimated that the increase through Senate Bill 3 would benefit approximately
350,000 teachers in Texas, with half of them earning less than $60,000 a year.
The bill was written and introduced by State Senator Jane Nelson, who has stated
that the proposed raise is aimed at recruiting and retaining classroom teachers.
There were some changes made to the original bill; including public charter
school teachers raises, funding for the raises in the future, and assurances that
school districts don’t decrease the raises in the future.
The proposal could cost the State approximately $4,000,000,000 within the
next two years.
Certain issues could put a strain on some school districts. Some Districts could
be incurring increased costs as a result of the raise.
State officials are looking to pass the bill through the Senate as soon as possible
and move it along to the House and onto the Governors desk.