Paulo Valero took the opportunity to thank his departing players with a short but
solemn ceremony prior to the Mavericks District 28- AAAAA basketball game
against the SA Harlan Hawks.
“Thank you Seniors for buying into the Process. As your Coach, I want to
wish you the best of luck as each of you moves on into the next phase of your life.
Without your guidance this season, the process wouldn't have been as smooth as it
has been. Your leadership and guidance will forever be remembered by our entire
program as we look to take the next step in the process next year by making the
playoffs. You will forever be a part of Winn The Day Basketball. You will forever
have a home away from home.”
This year’s seniors were Braulio Caballero, Germán Velasquez, Eduardo
Nava and Juan Cardenas.