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Empieza basketball de escuelas elementales

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El director de Parques y Recreación Jorge Sanchez  dio a conocer que ya dio inicio la temporada anual de basketball, un programa que este departamento a venido desarrolando hace muchos años. 

En esta ocasión el número de estudiantes entre niños y niñas en 3 categorias alcanza la cifra de 900 que estarán jugando basketball de lunes a viernes  despues de las 4 de la tarde que salen  de las escuelas. 

Habrá juegos todos los dias en el Multipurpose Center y tambien en el Boys & Girls Club. 

La temporada es larga ya que se inicio el  2 de diciembre y termina  los ultimos dias de Febrero o primeros de Marzo, tomando en cuenta que los niños salen de vacaciones y como no hay clases se suspenden estas actividades. Este programa es positivo  porque se involucran muchos padres de familia que son los que fungen como coaches y dan la oportunidad  a los niños para aprender este deporte y entrenarlos para cuando lleguen a los grados de Jr High y  High School donde van con mas experiencia para competir a mas alto nivel. Parques y Recreación agradece a los coaches y padres de familia que se involucran con sus hijos  en este deporte.


Elementary School Basketball Begins  

Players and coaches of the Eagle Pass Parks and Recreation Basketball League, all 900 or so players as a matter of fact, are ready to take on all comers this season in three divisions of boys and girls hoop action!

Parks and Recreation director Jorge Sanchez announced Wednesday that the annual basketball season one of the largest and most popular of the three sports the department undertakes each year is ready to begin. 

This year, the number of  boys and girls in 3 categories has reached an incredible 900 who will be playing basketball on weekdays after school from 4:00 PM on. 

Games will be played in the Multipurpose Center and at the Boys & Girls Club. The long season runs from December 2 through the end of February or early March, taking into account that children have holidays and activities are suspended when school is out. 

This program is positive because it gives many parents the opportunity to serve as volunteer coaches and gives children the opportunity to learn the sport and practice it before moving on to Jr High and High School at the highest levels. Parks and Recreation thanks the coaches and parents who are involved with their children to learn and play the great game of basketball.

Last modified on Thursday, 03 December 2015 20:55
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