Forty plus athletes of the ages ranging from 6-18 participated in the camp which was designed to enhance young athletes speed, quickness, agility, explosion, and coordination by teaching the proper mechanics of running. It was very detail oriented and covered different techniques needed to be successful on the tennis court, baseball diamond, football field, basketball court, or soccer field.
This season brings great changes, our regional championships will be held in Austin Texas, previously they were in Houston Texas, with San Antonio as next year's host.
MRGYFCC-AYF has been a quick rising star as we have taken the most teams to regionals out of the southwest region, this has been widely recognized.
Within our organization we have Marvin Richardson holding the chairman of the conference position, Ruben Martinez as President, Humberto Garza as Vice President, Mariela Paniagua as Treasurer, and Linda Martinez as Secretary of our local league. Since we are a conference, we encourage all surrounding cities to join and enter their team for the 2014 season.
Phase II of the camp will be held on July 25th and 26th from 9 AM-12 PM and is $50 for boys and girls ages 6-19 at Memorial Junior High.
Registration for the league is being held every Wednesday and Thursday at Peter Piper from 5-8.