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Adrián Ibarra

    Un taller de trabajo  se celebró  el martes y miercoles en el Cuarto de Juntas del Concilio de la Ciudad , sin embargo, la ausencia de los concejeros de la ciudad obligó a el alcalde Cantú a tener una mesa del taller para una fecha posterior.
    Varios temas claves fueron discutidos entre los presentes, como el empleo y la separación del mismo, los procedimientos de pago correctivos, procedimientos de queja, procedimientos de la organización, el abuso de drogas y alcohol y el acoso sexual entre otras polizas de recursos humanos relacionados que debían llevarse a cabo en forma de taller con el fin de cumplir con la poliza de educación.
    El artículo único que iba a ser discutido en sesión ejecutiva, la de normas de conducta para los funcionarios y empleados de la ciudad, así como un informe de divulgación de información financiera también se tratará en la próxima reunión del consejo de la ciudad.


A.D. Ibarra

-Maverick County


With the hiring of Beyer and Company as independent auditor, CPA and the exit of both Martinez, Rosario and Company, LLC and Southwestern Capital Markets, the former independent auditors and financial advisors for Maverick County, the county continues to struggle to recover from the problems which have led to the financial difficulties they face moving forward with an entire new team attempting to right the wrongs of the past and bring the entity back to solvency.


A.D. Ibarra

-MCHD Conference Room


The Regular Meeting of the Maverick County Hospital District, a meeting which was supposed to mark the end of Joaquin Rodriguez' tenure on the board after his resignation was tendered last week, ended abruptly when board trustee Ricardo Calderon got up and left the meeting during discussion dealing with a motion made to form a nominating committee to replace Rodriguez.


A.D. Ibarra

-Maverick County


The first same sex couple to obtain their marriage certificate in Maverick County did so at approximately 12:15 PM at the County Clerk's office on Tuesday, June 30th, 2015.


A.D. Ibarra

-City Hall


Mary Pete Ramirez who has served in her position as RTA, CTA Tax Assessor Collector for thirteen years and thirty years with the EPISD before, was honored with a plaque and a collage of pictures depicting her tenure at the Special Meeting of Eagle Pass City Council Tuesday.



Del Rio, Texas –


On June 30, the Comstock Station Border Patrol Lake Task Force rescued five adults and two children, from a sinking boat on Lake Amistad.


    Tuesday morning a 25-year-old who went by the name of Ernesto Luna was found by family members hanged from a tree according to a report given by Sheriff Tom Schmerber. Ernesto de Luna who had his residence in San Antonio was visiting Eagle Pass with his mother. That night they stayed at a family members home and reported that at about 10 am Luna left the home saying he was going to kill himself. The family members did not find him at dawn and deputies found him in the back of the property hanging from a mesquite tree.        

According to the information provided by the mother of Luna, the young man had already tried to commit suicide previously and had mentioned that he would try again. Sheriff’s deputies called paramedics and tried to give aid but apparently the young man had been without life for some time.


    El   Sargento Escareño  informa en los reportes policiacos, que el domingo por la noche o lunes por la mañana se vandalisaron 9 autos por la calles Malibu y Montana  frente a la area de la EPJH.   Segun los policias que acudieron a este llamado notaron que ningun auto fue forzado para abrirlo, aparentemente olvidaron cerrar los autos, al menos un persona acepto haber dejado el auto abierto.   Aparentemente son travesura de jovenes ya que solo se llevaron cosas insignificantes que estaban adentro,  sin embargo tecnicos del departamento de policia lograron recoger algunas huellas que fueron enviadas a San Antonio para poder dar con los responsables.


    El  departamento del sheriff hace varias semana  tuvo un acuerdo con oficiales de los puentes internacionales pidiendo su cooperación y ayuda para que incluyan en el sistema federal los reportes de las personas que estan siendo buscadas en el condado de Maverick, este programa ha dado excelentes resultados porque solo en junio que ayer terminó se logro detener a 20 personas.
    Esto es bueno porque las personas que tienen delito tienen y deben de ser castigados y ademas al ser multados con dinero deja beneficio económico al  condado.
    El pasado lunes 29, el sheriff Schmerber tuvo una reunion  con  jueces de paz del condado de Maverick con la  Juez Smith del Quemado con la Juez Madera y el Juez Castañeda.  Estos 3 jueces quieres que tambien sean incluidos para que las personas que tengan delitos pendientes en  sus oficinas que al cruzar tanto por el puente 1 o 2  sean arrestados para que cumplan  con los delitos pendientes.


A.D. Ibarra
-Maverick County
    In an apparent effort to cut spending, Maverick County Commissioner's Court moved to freeze all hiring within the entity until further notice at Tuesday's Special Meeting.
    This proposed hiring freeze which according to the agenda is effective immediately comes ten months after Commissioner's Court had already said that no wage increases would come in this fiscal year, especially those of elected officials. The hiring freeze was passed in a unanimous vote by Commissioner’s Court and will be in effect until the end of the fiscal year. County Judge David Saucedo was careful in identifying some key positions that would have to be excluded from the freeze, specifically those pertaining to the safety of the citizens within our county such as Sheriff’s deputies.   
    Also on the agenda were several items placed directly by newly hired auditor Sandy Watkins which shows her initiative to make a difference in the way business is done in Maverick County as she has proposed a specific set of new policies and procedures that according to her should have been standard practice in the county.  Policies and procedures dealing with properly purchasing products and services which in the past have led to the indictment of over twenty elected officials, former employees and contractors and have left Maverick County in serious debt in the tens of millions of dollars.
    In other items of action taken three items dealt with the continuation or lack thereof with independent auditor Milo Martinez of Martinez, Rosario and Company, LLP as Maverick County's independent auditor as another company, Beyer and Company, C.P.A. was also taken into consideration after making a presentation to the court for their consideration to be allowed to serve the county in this capacity. After some debate, the court approved to select Beyer and Company, C.P.A. as the independent auditor for the county.
    Agenda item #37 was also approved which called for the transfer of $800,000.00, as needed, from the Road and Bridge Department to the General Fund in order to take care of any cash flow issues for the rest of this fiscal year.

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