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Primary Filing Season begins Saturday
Jose G. Landa
Staff Writer
Saturday, November 11, 2017 is the beginning of the 2018 Primary Filing Season across the State of Texas including in Maverick County.
Juez Saucedo habla sobre la ley SB4
José G. Landa
Staff writer
El juez del condado de Maverick, David R. Saucedo, y la Coerte de Comisionados se unieron recientemente a el Sheriff Tom Schmerber y al Contestable del Precinto 3AB Mario Hernández en una demanda contra el estado por la aprobación de la Ley SB4 del Senado, que básicamente obligaría a las agencias policiales a actuar como oficiales de inmigración .
Sheriff and constable file lawsuit against State of Texas
As a result of the final approval of what is commonly known as the Show Me Your Papers Law, or SB 4, signed into effect by Texas Governor Greg Abbott on May 7, 2017, a group of law enforcement officials, cities, and counties have filed a federal lawsuit against the State of Texas in the United States District Court for the Western District of Texas, San Antonio Division.