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Carrizo Springs Border Patrol Agents Apprehend Convicted Sex Offender
Press Release
U.S. Border Patrol agents working in Carrizo Springs arrested a man who was previously convicted of sexual abuse of a five-year-old child.
Border Patrol Agents Assist Oil Field Personnel Stranded by Flood Waters near Carrizo Springs
DEL RIO, Texas – U.S. Border Patrol agents from two sectors responded to calls for assistance after rising flood waters trapped oil and gas personnel near Carrizo Springs.
Carrizo Springs man sentenced to 5 years for assault with vehicle
District Attorney, Roberto Serna has reported that Gilbert Cisneros has been sentenced to five years in prison after being convicted for aggravated assault by a
Border Patrol find body of deceased man
Jose G. Landa
United States Border Patrol agents stationed in Carrizo Springs reported the finding of a deceased individual in a remote area in the south side of Dimmit County. Reports state that the individual is believed to be an undocumented immigrant who could have died of dehydration due to extremely high temperatures. U.S. Border Patrol reports that the body was in an advanced state of decomposition.
Woman attempts suicide on Highway 83
Jose G. Landa
Staff Writer
Law enforcement officials reported that a female from the Carrizo Springs area attempted to commit suicide by laying down on the highway in Zavala County.
The incident was reported to have occurred on Wednesday April 12, 2017 on Highway 83 near Crystal City, Texas.
Hallazgo de un cuerpo en rancho
CARRIZO SPRINGS — El domingo 24 de julio de 2016 se recibió llamada de Patrulla Fronteriza Estación Carrizo Springs, para informar sobre la localización de un cuerpo en el Rancho Briscoe en el Condado de Dimmit. Entre sus pertenencias se encontró una identificación del Instituto Nacional Electoral (INE) a nombre de Faustino Pérez Encarnación, de Pisaflores, Hidalgo. La ropa que portaba es una playera en color gris, pantalón de mezclilla azul marino y botas color café con suela plástico negro, cinturón de cuero con la leyenda “NIKE”.
La Juez de Paz, pronunció como causa del deceso, muerte por deshidratación, el levantamiento del cuerpo estuvo a cargo de Leonard´s Funeral Home, quien lo traslado a Laredo, Texas; para realizar la necropsia de ley.
Por este motivo, estamos solicitando a los medios de comunicación la difusión de este lamentable hecho, para que en caso de que alguien reconozca al fallecido y cuente con información la proporcione al Consulado de México a los teléfonos (830) 773-9255 y/o 773-9256, ubicado en el 2252 E. Garrison St. en la ciudad de Eagle Pass, Texas.