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Patients exposed to chemical spill at UMC
At approximately 12:45 p.m. Friday, a chemical spill of an unknown amount occurred at the El Indio United Medical Center location causing multiple patients to have to be transported to the Fort Duncan Regional Medical Center Emergency Room.
Ambulances were also observed coming in and out of the UMC Veterans Boulevard location transferring patients to the ER.
By 2 p.m. all UMC locations were closed early.
According to unofficial information the spill occurred at the El Indio location and several patients were transferred to the Veteran’s location for further treatment.
Several emergency calls were then placed and multiple ambulances were at the Veterans location. Both patients and personnel were transferred for further medical evaluations at the emergency room.
No official statement has been given regarding the incident by UMC administration.
Pacientes expuestos a químico en UMC
Staff reports
Aproximadamente a las 12:45p.m. del Viernes, un derrame químico ocurrió en United Medical Center de El Indio Hwy., haciendo que varios pacientes fueran transportados a la Sala de Emergencias del Centro Médico Regional de Fort Duncan.
Asalto a mano armada en Casinito de Eidson Rd.
El pasado domingo 22 cerca de las 9:30p.m. en un Casinito que está ubicado por Eidson Rd. un individuo aparentemente enmascarado llegó al lugar y asaltó a una de las cajeras llevandose una cantidad aun no dada a conocer de dinero en efectivo.