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Jonas, Lopez face corruption charges in federal court
Jose G. Landa
Staff writer
Former Crystal City officials James Jonas III and Ricardo Lopez were in a Del Rio federal courtroom on Monday June 19, facing multiple corruption charges stemming from their arrests back in 2016.
Citizen of the Year (2016) Nominees
The Eagle Pass Chamber of Commerce Citizen of the Year Selection Committee has met to review and decide on who is to receive the prestigious Citizen of the Year (2016) award. The committee was comprised of citizens-at-large, independent of the Chamber; these being two past Citizen of the Year award recipients, two news media representatives, one social services advocate, and a member of the clergy.
Disminución de ingresos fiscales en 2016
Disminución de los ingresos fiscales en 2016 De acuerdo con información de la Oficina de Contraloría del Estado de Texas específicamente sus informes de Asignación de Impuestos de Venta la Ciudad de Eagle Pass tenía menos ingresos de impuestos de ventas asignados del estado para las ventas locales durante 2016 en comparación con 2015.
Los estados de los informes de asignación de impuestos de venta para la ciudad de Eagle Pass muestran que para el 2016, período de 12 meses sólo
$ 4.813.921,76 fueron asignados a la ciudad en los ingresos.
El informe muestra que durante el mes de enero se asignaron $383,478.51
febrero $ 598,099.42
marzo $ 339,289.93
abril $ 345,910.39
mayo $ 499,501.87
junio $ 340,290.83
julio $ 376,569.56
agosto $ 462,530.68
septiembre $ 354,159.79
octubre $361,849.65,
noviembre $405,003.25
diciembre $ 347,237.88 .
Las cifras de asignación final para 2016 son muy inferiores a las de 2015, que tenían $ 5,234,216.66 asignados a la ciudad de Eagle Pass durante ese año.
Police Department reports on 2016
In the year 2016, the Eagle Pass Police Department received 30,521 calls for service throughout the range of laws enforced and other service calls the department responds to.
Of the 30,521 service numbers issued, 6,848 reports were filed to include motor vehicle accidents of which 1,388 were documented.
Health fair brings variety
Jaclyn Guzmán
Staff Writer
The tenth annual Back to School Health Fair was held Thursday, July 28, with people lining up in the summer heat well before the doors to the International Center for Trade were opened.
A wide variety of organizations were at the event providing health, educational, child care, and elderly services among others to those in attendance.