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May 2012 (4)
Jaclyn Guzmán
Staff Writer
The Eagle Pass Chamber of Commerce, along with the city, recently hosted a visit for 11 executive committee members from the Texas State Convention of National Letter Carriers.
The members were treated to tours of the town including the ICT, Kickapoo Lucky Eagle Casino and Hotel, the downtown area, and parts of Piedras Negras including Paseo Del Rio and the mercado. The Texas State Convention of National Letter Carriers who usually host their meetings in large metropolitan areas such as San Antonio and Dallas, decided to have next year’s convention in Eagle Pass after being pleasantly surprised by the town, said Chamber of Commerce Director Sandra Martinez.
El departamento de policía de Eagle Pass hizo tres detenciones por separadas durante el fin de semana que implica la posesión de marihuana por menos de dos onzas.
El viernes aproximadamente a las 11:30 de la mañana, un oficial asignado a la División de Patrulla departamento de policía llevó a cabo una parada de tráficode un Dodge Nitro en Del Rio Boulevard durante una violación de tráfico. Durante el transcurso de la parada de tráfico, el oficial notó una bolsa de plástico transparente que contiene una sustancia de hojas verdes a la vista dentro del vehículo. El conductor fue detenido y la sustancia se confirmó que era marihuana de un kit de prueba. Sergio Villarreal de 25 años fue detenido posteriormente y se presentó ante un juez donde fue formalmente acusado de posesión de marihuana en una cantidad de menos de dos onzas. Villarreal fue llevado al Centro de Detención con fianza $ 3.000.
KEN SWEET, AP Markets Writer
Stocks moved higher in early trading Thursday as Wall Street went back to work after the Christmas holiday.
Traders were encouraged by an unexpectedly large drop in claims for unemployment benefits last week, the latest sign that the U.S. job market is improving.
A.D. Ibarra
-Dimmit County
In one of the first cases of wrongful death in relation to companies from The Eagle Ford Shale Project, a Dimmit County jury returned a verdict in favor of Clarissa Aguilar, the sole surviving parent of Carlos Aguilar of Laredo who was killed tragically when a drive shaft broke off an Eagle Ford truck and crashed through the window killing Aguilar. The size of the verdict and the local concern regarding increased truck traffic in the region has commanded not only regional, but statewide and national media interest.