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Texas Bill to create border security infrastructure enhancement projects killed at Texas Senate level

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A Texas bill which would provide a means to fund border security infrastructure enhancement projects, which would include Farm to Market Road 1021 (El Indio Hwy) was passed at the House of Representative level but has failed to make it out of the Senate by acts of omission and commission. 

The bill, which was authored by Representatives Biedermann, Nevárez, Cain, Miller and Murr seeks to create a fund to pay for those projects; allocating the earnings on the balance of that fund and reimbursement of related expenditures; including a study on water retention infrastructure near the border was basically not moved on at the Senate level.

The funds would be used for the prevention of human trafficking and entry into the United States of contraband, including but not limited to narcotics

The bill sought for the Governor to implement a pilot program to plan, design, construct or maintain along the state's international border transportation infrastructure, limited to Farm-to-Market Road 1021, Farm-to-Market Road 1472, and the road popularly referred to as El Indio Highway and Old Mines Road.

The program also includes detection technology to combat human smuggling and contraband, including but not limited to narcotics and other controlled substances; and commercial vehicle inspection infrastructure at ports of entry and designated state highway inspection stations; clear nonindigenous plants; create a communication portal for all law enforcement entities in counties in which the pilot program is implemented to share information, video feeds, radio feeds.

House Bill 4036 was basically left alone and not prioritized enough to be considered at the Senate level by our public representatives. Our interest at the Texas Senate level is represented by Senator (R) Pete Flores.

The bill would also include a retention wall to be resurrected along the Texas/ Mexico Border to assist in border security issues at a cost of close to $18,000,000 per mile.

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