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Lax in Border Immigration Law and Overcrowded Detention Facility Welcome Danger

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The U.S. Immigration System - which has been inundated with migrants from all over trying to find their way into the country by any means necessary - is at a breaking point. 

This can only spell danger, to the migrants and U.S. Customs and Border Protection Agents, especially along the southwest border (which has seen an increase in activity not seen since the early 2000’s).

The question being asked is why?

At this point, a plethora of circumstances has put a strain on the U.S. immigration system which has ultimately created the problem being seen across the southwest border, including in our community.

One of the problems that have basically served as a welcoming mat for thousands of migrants is the return of “Catch and Release” due to overcrowded federal detention centers. Back in 2014 Catch and Release was stopped, and not until March of this year was it initiated once again.

This can easily be seen as a welcoming to thousands of migrants from non-contiguous countries to try to make it across the border to be caught and let go with a piece of paper in their hands as a promise to appear at their immigration status court hearing.

This is a dangerous concoction that is now being seen even in our community with Border Patrol seeing a huge increase of people basically jumping in the river to be rescued, putting everyone’s life in danger.

This type of scenario cannot end well as we have seen in the past months with over 12 people - including children - losing their lives just in Eagle Pass.

Where do we go from here? It is unclear as to what the federal government will do about the crisis that has been created. At this point, there are certain steps and processes in place that clearly are not working and which just add to the perils that both migrants and U.S.

Enforcement officials alike are experiencing on a daily basis. Catch and Release is clearly opening the flood gates to have a record number of illegal immigration cases which could solidify political agendas such as a push to implement the highly controversial border wall.

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