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City to apply for $ 700,000 Texas Community Development Colonias Self-Help Center Fund Program Grant

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The Eagle Pass City Council voted in favor of applying for the Texas Community Development Colonias Self- Help Center Fund Program Grant which will allow the city to provide county residents with various services. 

During a meeting held on Friday, May 17, 2019, the city council discussed and decided to move forward with reapplying for the grant and if awarded to continue providing the county residents those services allowed under the grant program.

The City has been managing this very important grant and funding since 2016 when the county who used to administer the grant had to de-obligate $893,047.04 in order to save the much needed public infrastructure improvements and public housing improvement funds from being lost.

During the Friday meeting, Finance Director Jesse Rodriguez presented the council with the proposal to re-apply for the grant.

Rodriguez detailed which Colonias would be serviced by the city if the grant was approved. “ The areas to be serviced through the program will include Seco Mines, Fabrica Townsite, Siesta Acres, Las Quintas, and Loma Bonita.

We want to serve the most population possible.

The grant is in the amount of $700,000 to be used for public service $70,000, residential rehabs $525,000, and Administration $105,000. Rodriguez explained details how the funding for rehabs needed to be used equally among the chose colonias which could equal to 2 homes per colonia to be serviced.

Mayor- Pro-Tem Billy Davis called for a motion to approve the item and it was passed unanimously. Mayor Cantu was not present during the Friday meeting. Back in 2015 Maverick County Judge David Saucedo and Francisco Salazar, Jr., Border Field Officer for the Office of Colonias Initiatives in the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs, asked the City of Eagle Pass take over the $1 Million Texas Department of Agriculture Grant, Since 2015 the City of Eagle Pass has taken over the grant program funding and has used it to assist and continue with the programs the county had structured and have also moved to add on other facets under the guidelines allowed by the grant.

The funding is of great benefit and assists many Maverick Countians. 

Maverick County has expressed interest in applying to the program once again in hopes of administering the grant and program once again.

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