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City Mayor and County Judge to Meet in an effort to work out certain governmental issues

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The Eagle Pass City Council approved that Mayor Cantu proceed to meet with Maverick County Judge David Saucedo regarding issues that both entities are having over contracts pertaining to the city’s medical emergency/fire protection services provided to the county, and the Maverick County Solid Waste Landfill Services agreement as well. 

During the City Council meeting held on Tuesday, May 7, 2019, the issues were discussed in executive session. Once back in open session, Mayor Ramsey E.

Cantu requested that the City Council allow for himself to meet with Judge Saucedo to discuss the problems both entities are having over these services.

“At this point, I will ask for the Council’s permission to visit personally with Judge Saucedo in regards to these services being provided.

It’s been discussed as far as the seriousness we are coming to with these contracts that are very important to both entities, most importantly for the residents that they are servicing. I am asking to meet with the County Judge and hopefully, we can bring forth a plan of action for both entities to be taken in a very aggressive time frame within the next 30 days,” said Cantu.

Mayor Cantu’s request was approved unanimously. Both governmental entities have been in a disagreement over a proposed increase the City has structured regarding the amount it charges the County for City’s medical emergency/fire protection services. The City is proposing to increase its charges to $1,200,000 from what it collects at this time - $484,000 a year.

The county is against the nearly $716,000 increase. The issue has been ongoing since November 2018. Both entities are looking to resolve the issue and hopefully come to a consensus over the important services.

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