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Guevara presents report to County Court

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Maverick County Road and Bridge Department Director Ernesto Guevara presented a monthly report to the Commissioners Court during their meeting held on Thursday March 15,2018.

Guevara gave a breakdown of the monthly activities and work that was done for the month of February 2018 through his department. 

Guevara stated that they were able to perform services to at least 20 streets including Durapatch mending potholes in streets across all 4 precincts. 

 Commissioners Court discussed the fact that the department has increased its heavy machinery equipment and also Guevara and his staff have been able to fix many pieces of equipment in the past years. 

“We have been able to fix many pieces of equipment that are now in use, I thank my staff for that,” said Guevara. 

The County Road and Bridge Department’s Parks and Recreation Division currently take care of 16 parks in all four precincts. Guevara states that the department continues giving those areas their attention and assure the safety of the community and efforts to beautify our county areas. 

Guevara gave an example of a new park area that has just been installed in conjunction with Pct. 1 Commissioner Jerry Morales. This park equipment is at the VFW Park in Pct. 1. 

Guevara went through many work orders including clean up of right of ways and easements, maintenance work, code enforcement and other work done through the department. 


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