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Fight at Chelo's Field

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The Eagle Pass Police Department responded to the corner of South Monroe and Bliss street on Sunday, November 26, due to reports of a fight in progress near the Chelos Baseball Field. 


Approximately eight police units were dispatched to the area. Upon arrival, police department officials encountered a group of more than 20 individuals who had been involved in a verbal and physical altercation.


Up to now no official incident report has been made public, which could be due to an investigation being conducted. 

Unofficial reports and a video taken by a spectator at the baseball game shows a large group of mostly male individuals, who are believed to have been playing baseball against each other, start exchanging insults and foul language which then led to various physical altercations between different individuals. Eyewitness accounts state that the incident lasted more than five minutes until police intervention. 

“The incident could have been way worse since numerous individuals were carrying baseball bats at the time of the argument,” stated one peace officer.

Not much is known of the incident, as a review of the Eagle Pass Police Department day to day incident log does not show a report on this matter.  

It is unclear as to the reason behind the argument that led to an altercation where fist fights occurred between numerous individuals as per video evidence. It is unknown if any individuals were arrested or detained for disturbing the peace or for fighting. 

The Eagle Pass Police Department responded to the same area on November 23 in reference to a violation of a city ordinance believed to be the ordinance that prohibits consumption of alcoholic beverages in baseball park areas.

The Chelos Baseball Field area has become a hot topic among public officials and law enforcement. Recently, Baseball League Coordinator Francisco Galan addressed the Eagle Pass City Council over an ordinance set in place that does not permit the consumption of alcoholic beverages in baseball park areas, including anywhere near the Fort Duncan Park. Galan requested that the City Council reconsider this ban and allow for the consumption of alcoholic beverages. 

Eagle Pass Mayor Ramsey E. Cantu stated that the issue would be looked at.

It is more than likely that the ordinance will stand and no alcoholic beverages will be allowed in the area.






Se reporta pleito de jugadores en Chelo’s Field


Jose G. Landa

Staff Writer


El Departamento de Policía de Eagle Pass respondió a la esquina de las calles South Monroe y Bliss el domingo 26 de noviembre, debido a informes de una pelea cerca del Campo de Béisbol Chelos.

Aproximadamente ocho unidades de policía fueron enviadas al área. Al llegar, los oficiales del departamento de policía se encontraron con un grupo de más de 20 personas que habían participado en un altercado verbal y físico.

Hasta ahora no se ha hecho público ningún informe oficial de incidentes, lo que podría deberse a que se está llevando a cabo una investigación.

Informes no oficiales y un video tomado por un espectador en el juego de béisbol muestra un gran grupo de individuos en su mayoría hombres, que se cree que jugaron al béisbol unos contra otros, comienzaron a intercambiar insultos y lenguaje grosero que luego dio lugar a varios altercados físicos entre diferentes personas .   

No se sabe mucho sobre el incidente, ya que una revisión del registro de incidentes del Departamento de Policía  no muestra un informe sobre este asunto.

Se desconoce si alguna persona fue arrestada o detenida por perturbar la paz o por pelear.

El área de Chelos Baseball Field se ha convertido en un tema candente entre los funcionarios públicos y la policía. Recientemente, el Coordinador de la Liga de Béisbol Francisco Galan se dirigió al Concilio Municipal de Eagle Pass sobre una ordenanza establecida que no permite el consumo de bebidas alcohólicas en las áreas de parques de béisbol, incluyendo cualquier lugar cerca del Parque Fort Duncan.

 Galan solicitó que el Concilio Municipal reconsidere esta prohibición y permita el consumo de bebidas alcohólicas.

El alcalde de Eagle Pass, Ramsey E. Cantu, dijo que se examinaría el problema.

Es más que probable que la ordenanza se mantendrá y no se permitirán bebidas alcohólicas en el área.


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