-Eagle Pass
Sandra Martinez, Directress of the Eagle Pass Chamber of Commerce, and her assistant Ana Arizpe, informed The News Gram that they are preparing to go to McAllen to promote Eagle Pass as a viable tourist spot. Every year hundreds of people, retired and elderly who live in the northern United States travel to South Texas looking for warmer climate in which to spend their winters which bodes well for Texas cities such as Eagle Pass and they are promoting our area for such tourism. Martinez added that they would be in the valley on January 8th-11th to participate in a tourism fair in McAllen to attempt to bring in such tourism. She concluded that this fair is held every year at this time and Eagle Pass gets a good amount of tourism in this manner. Every year, these visitors come to Eagle Pass are intrigued by its history, its climate, and above all the tourism attractions such as the casino which provides a great amount of tourism to our fair city.