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Deputy with criminal history arrested for deadly conduct

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Jose G. Landa

Staff Writer


Maverick County Sheriff's Deputy Gabriel Serrano, 40, was arrested early Saturday at 2:17 a.m. by Eagle Pass Police officers for firing an AR-15 style rifle outside the 1800 Bar located on 404 S. Texas Drive.


According to a press release issued by the Eagle Pass Police Department, Eagle Pass Police Officers in the area of South Texas Drive noticed a suspicious red Dodge pickup truck driving over a concrete curb within a private parking lot. Officers proceeded to follow the vehicle in order to conduct a traffic stop, and while doing so officers heard a gunshot emanating from the interior of the Dodge truck. Officers conducted a felony stop on the vehicle within the 200 block of South Garrison Street after the vehicle exited a second private parking lot.


The driver, identified as 40-year-old Gabriel Serrano, was immediately detained for officer safety. During the course of the officers’ investigation, an AR-15 style rifle was discovered in the interior of the truck, along with a spent shell casing. Serrano was transported to the Eagle Pass Police Department where he was processed, magistrated, and formally charged with deadly conduct. Serrano was remanded to the Tom Bowles Detention Center in lieu of a $3,500 bond set by Justice of the Peace David Castañeda.




Maverick County Sheriff Tom Schmerber, visibly upset, addressed the issue in a interview with the news media. 

“It’s sad to say that the individual who was arrested for using his service weapon, an M4 rifle to shoot up into the air outside of the 1800 Bar, does work for me as a sheriff deputy. We don’t know what happened, but at this moment we will wait for the appropriate charges to be made,” said Schmerber. “I have sent one of my officials to go to his home and retrieve other service issued weapons that belong to the County. I understand he will be facing felony charges and we must proceed forth with what needs to be done. I will not tolerate such behavior and I’m in the process of relieving him of his duties.”





Serrano had previously been arrested inside of Walmart on February 26, 2015.  Officers assigned to the Eagle Pass Police Department Patrol Division responded to the Walmart Store in reference to a male who was allegedly seen within the store partially unclothed. Officers arrived and spoke with Gabriel Serrano who was discovered to be intoxicated. Serrano was arrested and transported to the Eagle Pass Police Department and charged with public intoxication. During processing at the police department Serrano became uncooperative after it was discovered by officers that he was wearing several garments that had been stolen from Walmart under his clothing. A charge of theft under $50 and resisting arrest were added. Serrano was magistrated and transferred to the Tom Bowles Detention Center in lieu of a $3,000 bond.

 “He was given an opportunity. As we know he had a previous incident which they had supposedly resolved. My understanding is that Mr.Serrano had taken some type of medication that led him to such behavior and was given another chance,” said Schmerber of the 2015 incident. “This is way too much. It’s more than likely that he will be losing his peace officers license. This is very serious and Mr.Serrano will be treated accordingly. All law enforcement officials are trained in many things, including self discipline, and if you do not have that you should not be a peace officer.”



Diputado con antecedetes penales arrestado por hacer disparos


   Un Diputado del Sheriff del condado de Maverick identificado como Gabriel Serrano, de 40 años, fue arrestado la madrugada del sábado por agentes de policía de Eagle Pass por disparar un rifle M4, fuera del bar 1800 en el área de Bibb St.

   Los informes oficiales indican que los oficiales de policía respondieron al área en una llamada de disparos.

   A su llegada se pusieron en contacto con un sospechoso que luego fue identificado como Serrano.

   Los oficiales de policía luego detuvieron a Serrano y fueron transportados al departamento de policía.

   Serrano ahora está a la espera de cargos de Conducta mortal.

   El alguacil del condado de Maverick, Tom Schmerber, visiblemente disgustado abordó el tema en una entrevista con los medios de comunicación.

   "Es triste decir que la persona que fue arrestada por usar su arma de servicio con un rifle M4 para disparar al aire fuera del bar  1800  trabaja para nosotros como diputado.  No sabemos qué sucedió, pero en este momento vamos a esperar a que se realicen los cargos correspondientes. 

He enviado a uno de mis funcionarios a su casa y recuperar otras armas emitidas por el servicio que sí pertenecen al condado.

   "Entiendo que enfrentará cargos por delitos graves y debemos continuar adelante con uno que se debe hacer. No toleraré tal comportamiento y estoy en el proceso de relevarlo de sus deberes.

   Anteriormente, Serrano había sido arrestado dentro de Walmart el 26 de febrero de 2015, cuando oficiales respondieron a la tienda Walmart en referencia a un hombre que aparentemente fue visto dentro de la tienda parcialmente desvestido. Los oficiales llegaron y hablaron con Gabriel Serrano, Serrano fue arrestado y transportado al Departamento de Policía de Eagle Pass acusado de intoxicación pública. Durante el procesamiento en el departamento de policía, Serrano no quiso cooperar después de que los agentes descubrieran que llevaba varias prendas debajo de la ropa. Las prendas fueron recuperadas y se determinó que eran propiedad de la tienda Walmart. Se agregaron los cargos de robo por debajo de $50 y resistencia al arresto. Serrano fue magistrado y transferido al Centro de Detención de Tom Bowles con una fianza de $ 3000.

   Schmerber abordó el incidente de 2015. "Le dieron una oportunidad ya que sabemos que tuvo un incidente anterior que supuestamente habían resuelto. Tengo entendido que el señor Serrano había tomado algún tipo de medicamento que lo llevó a tal comportamiento y se le dio otra oportunidad. "

   "Agregó Schmerber" Esto es demasiado. Es más que probable que perderá su licencia de oficial de paz. Esto es algo muy serio y el Sr. Serrano será tratado segun la ley. Todos los funcionarios encargados de hacer cumplir la ley están capacitados en muchas cosas, incluida la autodisciplina, y si no tiene eso, debería hacerlo. no ser un oficial de paz ", concluyó Schmerber



This case remains under investigation by the Eagle Pass Police Department Criminal Investigations Division and the Texas Rangers. 

Last modified on Monday, 13 November 2017 21:52

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