Presented by the Theater at C.C. Winn High School, “Animal Farm” follows the story of a group of animals that revolt against their owner and take over their farm. The play is based on the communist movement and was written by the author of “1984,” which is also focused on government corruption.
Ten students from Winn are featured in the cast “Animal Farm,” including Samantha Cardenas, Analaura De La Garza, Amanda Lee Martin, Alejandra Zapata, Aime Villagomez, Claudia Contreras, Zaira Sanchez, Marcela Ramirez, Stephanie Inclan and Justin Rodriguez.
According to the play’s director, Adolfo Flores Jr., “Animal Farm” will be presented to over 3,000 EPISD students during the week of Nov. 6-9. Tickets will be sold at the door on Thursday night for $5.00.