which they will be evaluating Chief Executive Officer Terri Patlan Contreras under executive session pursuant to Government Code Section 551.074 Personnel Matters.
The MCHD Board and administration are ending a positive year despite having many obstacles due to past administrative decisions from board members that are no longer serving. Contreras’ administration has been working diligently alongside the MCHD Board of Trustees to balance their operational budget and also begin to provide more medical services and specialists to the indigent and community in its entirety.
The MCHD Board held a meeting on Wednesday, September 21, in which they heard an Operational Assessment presentation from MGMA Health Care Consulting Group - Kenneth T. Hertz, FACMPE. Overall MGMA gave the MCHD operations including eligibility, enrollment, and application assistance services, healthcare coverage through the medical financial assistance program, access to primary and specialty care through contracted providers, management of the physician specialty group, breast and cervical cancer services and Ryan White HIV services a clean bill of health and congratulated the District for its Operational Efficiency. The report states the level of clinical support provided to the physicians is good, the check-out process is efficient and effective, and they have a well managed referral system.
The bvoard was then given a list of observations and recommendations including professional compliments on the MCHD’s loyal and dedicated staff, careful attention paid to revenue cycle management and the patient experience, as well as both surgical and non-surgical practices that fills a community need, explained Kenneth Hertz.
The MCHD Board of Directors consists of Chairman Adolfo Oliveras, Jr., Vice Chairman Jesus Casas, Secretary/Treasurer Becky Robinson, J.M. Farias, and Dr. Ronald Hixson, Trustees will be discussing and evaluating Contreras’ performance as the District’s Chief Executive Officer and could possibly extend her contract to continue leading the organization.
Terri Patlan Contreras was hired as the Hospital District’s CEO on May 7, 2014 after working as the organization’s Chief Financial Officer for approximately 13 years. Contreras has been with the MCHD for a total of 16 years.
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Jose G. Landa
Staff writer
The Maverick County Hospital District Board (MCHD) of Trustees will be holding a meeting today at 12:00 p.m. in