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City consults legal counsel on issues with Public Safety Headquarters

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The Eagle Pass City Council once again discussed legal issues regarding the Eagle Pass Public Safety Headquarters during their meeting on Monday, August 14 under executive session. 

 The Eagle Pass City Council went into executive session where they consulted with their attorney regarding performance issues related to Gignac  and Associates, LLP, in the development of the Public Safety Headquarters and the possible renewal , termination, extension, or renegotiation of the existing agreement.

Once back in open session Eagle Pass Mayor Ramsey E. Cantu asked if anyone had a motion to be considered.

City Councilman Luis Sifuentes then made a motion. 

“I motion that we authorize administration to put out the construction management bids for the Public Safety Headquarters project and report results for final determination by council at the earliest opportunity.” 

The motion was seconded by Councilman Rudy Villalpando and was then voted on and approved unanimously.    

According to sources, the City had a contractual falling out with the company and are currently attempting to alleviate the issue to be able to proceed with this important project.

Bids for the project will now be requested as the city will push forward in trying to get back on schedule with the much anticipated Public Safety Headquarters.




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