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EPISD signs new juvenile probation department service agreement

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Jose G. Landa
Staff Writer

The Eagle Pass Independent School District through their Board of Trustees signed a new agreement for Juvenile

Probation Department services for the upcoming school year.
 The new agreement was presented during the School Board’s special meeting on Thursday, July 20.
 The proposed agreement is for the 2017-2018 school year, and is for a total amount of $33,000 to be paid to the Maverick County Juvenile Department by the EPISD.
This funding will be used in conjunction with the Texas Juvenile Justice Department budget allocations as well as local revenue. The funds from the EPISD will supplement salary operating costs for the officers provided. 
The four juvenile probation officers are assigned to all four High School and Junior High School campuses where they will handle in-house referrals, make class room presentations, and work together with respective campus administrators, counselors, teachers, EPISD Police and security officers to promote positive behavior and compliance with rules and regulations of the Eagle Pass Independent School District.
The Eagle Pass Independent School District Board heard a short presentation on the requisites of the yearly contract and moved forward in approving it unanimously. 


The Eagle Pass Independent School District through their Board of Trustees signed a new agreement for Juvenile Probation Department services for the upcoming school year.
The new agreement was presented during the School Board’s special meeting on Thursday, July 20.
The proposed agreement is for the 2017-2018 school year, and is for a total amount of $33,000 to be paid to the Maverick County Juvenile Department by the EPISD.
This funding will be used in conjunction with the Texas Juvenile Justice Department budget allocations as well as local revenue. The funds from the EPISD will supplement salary operating costs for the officers provided.
The four juvenile probation officers are assigned to all four High School and Junior High School campuses where they will handle in-house referrals, make class room presentations, and work together with respective campus administrators, counselors, teachers, EPISD Police and security officers to promote positive behavior and compliance with rules and regulations of the Eagle Pass Independent School District.
The Eagle Pass Independent School District Board heard a short presentation on the requisites of the yearly contract and moved forward in approving it unanimously.  


El Distrito Escolar Independiente de Eagle Pass, a través de su Junta de Síndicos, firmó un nuevo acuerdo para los servicios del Departamento de Libertad Condicional Juvenil para el próximo año escolar.
El nuevo acuerdo fue presentado durante la reunión especial de la Junta Escolar el jueves 20 de julio.
El acuerdo propuesto es para el año escolar 2017-2018, y es por un monto total de $ 33,000 a ser pagado al Departamento Juvenil del Condado de Maverick por el EPISD.
Este financiamiento se utilizará junto con las asignaciones presupuestarias del Departamento de Justicia Juvenil de Texas, así como los ingresos locales. Los fondos del EPISD complementarán los costos de operación de los salarios de los oficiales proporcionados.
Los cuatro oficiales de libertad condicional juveniles se asignan a los cuatro planteles de la Escuela Secundaria y de la Escuela Secundaria Junior, donde manejarán referencias internas, presentaciones en las aulas y trabajarán junto con los respectivos administradores del campus, consejeros, maestros, policías EPISD y oficiales de seguridad para promover Comportamiento positivo y cumplimiento con las reglas y regulaciones del Distrito Escolar Independiente de Eagle Pass.
La Junta del Distrito Escolar Independiente de Eagle Pass escuchó una breve presentación sobre los requisitos del contrato anual y avanzó en aprobarlo por unanimidad.

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