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Felan thanks community for supporting the county rollback petition

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After months of fighting for a tax rollback election, those who petitioned for the rollback can celebrate.  In an open letter to the community, Maverick County Taxpayer Ethelvina Felan who has been at the forefront

of the efforts for an opportunity to vote whether or not to keep the tax rate, thanked those who supported the petition, and later, her lawsuit against the County that ultimately led to a judge’s ruling for the tax rollback election. The letter reads as follows:

Dear Citizens of Maverick County;

I want to thank all the community that were supportive of the lawsuit for the incorrect tax rate that was approved by Maverick County Judge David Saucedo and Commissioners. As many of you know, the commissioner’s court was advised of their mistake and still approved a tax rate that was incorrect and higher than the true rate when it is correctly calculated. The county judge and commissioners were advised of what the correct tax rate should be and they still decided to approve an incorrect rate. The taxpayers deserve full transparency and truth from our elected public officials and we have a right to exercise our voice when they fail to be honest.

Many of us disagreed with the county officials on their approval of the incorrect high tax rate and signed a petition to hold an election. Many signatures were considered invalid as per the elections administrator and county officials. We also advised them that they did not exclude the suspense voters and they still decided to ignore us.

As many of you have noticed already, many taxpayers are afraid to advise or notify our elected public officials of any mistakes. What our elected public officials seem to forget is that we have a right to voice our concerns and our voices heard and not to be intimidated by them.

Thank you and God bless!

Ethelvina I. Felan
Maverick County TaxpayerFelan thanks community for supporting the county rollback petition

Last modified on Friday, 16 June 2017 19:30

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