"There are grounds for removal as he is incompetent and unable to perform his duties," stated an enraged Reyna, "I will draft a petition with the District Court as a concerned citizen of Precinct 2 and as a taxpayer who is in part paying his salary, I would like to know why he continues in his position," he told a group of reporters from the San Antonio Express outside Commissioner's Court. Also on the agenda was the issue of unfinished projects in and around the county by Javier Gonzalez Construction, C&A Construction and Macias Construction. After convening in Executive Session, Commissioner Cesar Flores made a motion to investigate what and what was not paid in order to move forward with these projects. "We do have a budget this year and our people deserve that we finish these projects, " said Flores. "We need to determine what amounts are still owed," added County Judge David Saucedo. "We're moving forward with litigation," stated County Attorney Ricardo Ramos, "We need information from the County Auditor so that the county can make a decision as to what Commissioner's Court wishes to do." The motion was seconded by Commissioner Eliaz Maldonado and was approved unanimously. Possible sanctions and or suits against those involved in leaving these projects unfinished may be pending.