US Border Patrol, US CBP, EPISD Police, EPFD, EPPD, Tx DPS, and Maverick County Sheriff’s Department were among the agencies being celebrated in honor of National Law Enforcement Week which takes place between May 14 to May 20.
Eagle Pass Chief of Police Alberto Guajardo thanked all law enforcement officials in attendance for their work in keeping the community safe, and explained how seriously the officers take their jobs, whether it be at a federal or municipal level.
“You want to leave something behind and just say that you didi a good job,” said Guajardo.
Eagle Pass Mayor Ramsey English Cantu and Councilman Luis Sifuentes thanked the law enforcement officers by presenting an official proclamation in recognition of National Law Enforcement Week.
“We recognize the importance that all of these officers play, not only the Eagle Pass Police Department, but all of the agencies that I have had the privilege to work with as the past seven years as your mayor,” said Cantu. “I can tell you that all of the agencies here today have always had a sense of great integrity, honor, and respect to assure that our community is protected, whether it’s within our city and county boundaries, our judicial districts, and most importantly at our ports of entry that play a very important role in our nation’s security. To all of the staffs, to all of the officers and all of the law enforcement individuals here today, thank you for what you do for the great city of Eagle Pass, it does not go unnoticed, and your work and dedication is truly appreciated.”