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Dr. Ray M. Keck III visits Leadership Eagle Pass Class Tuesday

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A.D. Ibarra

-Eagle Pass


Dr. Ray M. Keck, President of Texas A&M International University in Laredo visited Eagle Pass on Tuesday at the International Bank of Commerce Conference Center. Dr. Keck was the keynote speaker at a mixer organized by David Tijerina and Leadership Eagle Pass as he focused on leadership being an art not a science where he addressed the group of future leaders who gathered to be inspired by his experience and eloquence at identifying the needs of students' leadership skills as well as the focus one must have in these fantastic days of academic opportunities for all students. "There's never been a better moment or place than Texas to study and plan their life," said Dr, Keck, a native of Cotulla who has lived in Laredo for fifty years now and received a Ph. D. from Princeton University in Spanish Literature, "Their job is to take very seriously their education and our society will help them with everything else if they do that." Dr. Keck mentioned that they are working very closely with the O'Brien Foundation in Eagle Pass as well as with CC Winn High School as funds are available for students with limited means to further their education at TAMIU.

Also in Eagle Pass was Dr. Minita Ramirez, Director of Student Success at TAMIU who was delighted to be here and who also shared some exciting happenings which are occurring everyday at one of the fastest-growing universities in the nation, "We want for young people to realize that leaders are made, and the harder they work the greater the rewards." Ramirez informed The News Gram of some of the exciting things which are evolving at the relatively young institution such as the advent of many Division II sports, which the Dust Devils now compete in from Soccer and Volleyball - which have delivered Heartland Conference Champion-ships already - to basketball, baseball and softball, cross country and even golf. Ramirez mentioned that they are in talks with the USTA to construct a top-notch tennis facility soon in order to be able to offer scholarships in this sport as well, "Taking their lives and education seriously is critical to their success," she added, "They have to be prepared for what's to come and education is the tool to preparedness." "This program is taking people who are leaders and honing their skills," stated The Honorable David R. Saucedo, Maverick County Judge, "It takes people from the business sector and gives them opportunities to collaborate with others and see what works for them because some people have to lead simply because not everyone wants to do so." "We are thankful to this organization who is taking the initiative to mold individuals to come forth to fill leadership roles," added The Honorable Ramsey English-Cantú, Mayor of Eagle Pass, "As well as to prepare them to step up and lead."

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