During their meeting held on Thursday, March 23, the city council heard a presentation by EMC Strategy Group LLC. that provides such services to government agencies.
Ernie Gonzalez Jr., a Texas Registered lobbyist and President and CEO of the agency, gave the city council an overview of the services they offer, and explained how his organization can help the city target funding resources depending on the local government priorities and needs.
Gonzalez’s agency currently represents the cities of Freer and San Diego, Texas.
The item was put forth by Eagle Pass City Manager Arturo B. Rodriguez as an economic development initiative for the city.
During the presentation Rodriguez lobbied for EMC Strategy Group LLC.
“They are a registered lobbyist group through the Texas Ethics Commission and would be crucial in promoting the City of Eagle Pass top legislative priorities,” said Rodriguez. “It would in turn help gain greater access to state and federal funds and resources and open more communication with members of both the House of Representatives and Senate.”
Eagle Pass Legal Counsel Heriberto Morales explained that the city would have to go through RFQs, and also advised that if such deal or contract was set in place that his recommendation would be to limit it to a six month period. Council agreed and proceeded to take a vote on the item, and it was approved.
City Councilwomen Gloria Hernandez and Yolanda Ramon were not present during this meeting.