During the course of the meeting Eagle Pass Mayor Ramsey E. Cantu and the city council went into executive session agenda item No.11 Deliberation about Real Property and Consultation with attorney regarding the concerning issue.
Once back in open session Mayor Cantu opened the meeting back into public session and addressed agenda item No.11. Cantu then pushed for formal action.
“We are recommending that the city administration and legal counsel begin the acquisition of the real estate 509, 525, and 531 Garrison Street.”
Councilwoman Yolanda P. Ramon made a motion for the recommendation, which was seconded by councilwoman Gloria Hernandez.
Legal Counsel Heriberto Morales clarified that there were expenses incurred in order for the city to move forward with the recommendation.
“You are also authorizing for those expenditures to take place,” said Morales.
Council agreed and the motion was put to a vote which passed unanimously.
The properties in question are in close proximity to the Eagle Pass City Hall , adjacent to the building on the Garrison Street side, and next to the One Stop Convenience Store.