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Deer Run Bridge still under repairs

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Road and Bridge Manager Ernesto Guevara said the recent collapse of the bridge in Deer Run was most likely due to pipes that were more than 20 years old.


The time to fix the bridge, which was originally estimated to be completed in a matter of days has now been extended to at least two weeks because of the need to order new materials.  

“We’ve been excavating our way around that bridge, we’re going to be laying down some gravel rock, and we’re fixing to buy either some steel pipes or some tanks 8.5 in width and  5 ft tall,” said Guevara. “We’re still in talks with our engineer to see what’s a better solution for this project so we can complete it.”



Depending on the materials used, the project which is still in early planning stages could cost anywhere between $15,000 to $20,000.





Puente de Deer Run sigue en reparacion

Administrador de Road and Bridge Ernesto Guevara dijo que el reciente colapso del puente en Deer Run es mas

probable debido a las pipas que tenian mas de 20 anos.


El tiempo para arreglar el puente, que se estimo originalmente para ser terminado en cuestion de

dias, ahora se ha extendido a por lo menos dos semanas debido a la necesidad de ordenar los nuevos materiales "Hemos estado

excavando el camino alrededor de ese puente, estamos arreglando para comprar

algunas tuberias de acero o algunos tanques de 8,5 de

ancho y 5 pies de alto", dijo Guevara. "Todavia estamosen conversaciones con nuestro ingeniero para ver que

hay una solucion mejor para este proyecto para que podamos terminarlo."

Dependiendo de los materiales utilizados, el proyecto que todavia esta en

fase de planificacion podria costar entre $15 a $ 20.000






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