Con la ampliación del puente # 2 que también estará terminado el proximo año se pronostica un incremento de mas de 2,000 trailers por dia.
Estos trailers estan utilizando mas el overpass de la carretera el Indio que el del Loop 480 que está por debajo del puente 2 y que se construyó con esa finalidad de sacar el trafico de trailers de la ciudad.
Existe una gran posibilidad de que Txdot pueda construir un overpass que salga del puente 2 e ir a dar al Loop 480, sin que la ciudad tenga que gastar un solo dólar. Con todo el trafico que existe en esa area, aparte tenemos alli todos los campos deportivos como el Rodger Filed, Moncada Baseball Field P, Multipurpose Center, Chelo’s Field donde a diario andan entre 800 y 1,000 personas entre niños y padres de familia, por ejemplo el parque de el Veterans Loop el Chittim Park en donde es tanta la gente que va que los autos los estacionan junto a la carretera y en propiedades privadas.
Pensamos que esa area de parques ya cumplieron su cometido, es un lugar bonito pero está diseñado para el Eagle Pass pequeño. Esta ciudad esta creciendo y seria interesante que todos esos campos deportivos se movieran a otras areas posiblemente lado norte o sur donde puedan abrirse areas mas amplias, es por eso que se necesita un complejo deportivo con campos de baseball, football, ya que en el lugar donde estan todas las instalaciones se esta convertiendo en una area de mucho trafico y mucho peligro, inclusive el Sr. Gonzalez dijo que hasta el mismo campo de golf es ya obsoleto que es tiempo para buscar otro lugar donde hacer un campo de golf nuevo. Afortunadamante el concilio de la ciudad tomó la gran decisión de empezar
a hacer con la ayuda de la Universidad de Texas un Master Plan, proximamente tendran la segunda reunion para continuar formando este rompecabezas y posiblemente en un año Eagle Pass contará con un Master Plan moderno de acuerdo a las necesidades para saber donde hay que construir escuelas al futuro, las nuevas calles o carreteras, nuevos campos y afortundamente para el proximo año tendremos ya este Master Plan.
In an interview with Interim City Manager Roberto Gonzalez, he spoke about the growth in different parts of the city. He said that as the months go by more and more construction will be seen in the city that is growing along with Piedras Negras. Gonzalez said a couple of days ago, he had a conversation with TxDOT, where senior executives report that next year a large sum of money will be spent to complete the construction Loop 480 that would connect to Highway 57 and finish on Del Rio Blvd. Renovations on other streets will be made as well, for example the Main street belonging to the state.
He also said that next year the new police and fire department next to the bridge #2 area will be completed, which will cause huge traffic jams, as there are more than 100 police and firefighters vehicles alone.
The expansion of Bridge 2 will also be completed next year, bringing with it a predicted increase of more than 2,000 trailers per day. These trailers are using the overpass on El Indio Highway more than the one on Loop 480 that is below the Bridge 2, which was built to reduce trailer traffic within the city. There is a great possibility that TxDOT could build an overpass leaving Bridge 2 and go to the Loop 480, without the city having to spend a single dollar. Aside from all the traffic that exists in that area, there are sports fields such as Rodger Field, Moncada Baseball Field P, Multipurpose Center, and Chelo's Field where anywhere between 800 and 1,000 people walk through the area daily, including children and parents. For example, many people park their cars along Veterans Park Loop the Chittim Park. This area of parks is a nice place and served their purpose, but is designed for a smaller Eagle Pass. This city is growing and it would be interesting to see these sports fields move to other areas, possibly the north or south side where there is a wider area for them to spread. The expansion of roadways and creation of bridges where there is heavy traffic and danger as a result, is why another sports complex with baseball fields, football, would be needed because in the place facilities in an area of heavy traffic. Gonzalez said that even the golf course is already obsolete, and will have to be rebuilt elsewhere.
Fortunately the city council made the big decision to start the Master Plan with the help of the University of Texas, and will soon have the second meeting to continue forming the plan. The Eagle Pass Master Modern Plan is needed to know where to build schools to future, new streets or roads, new fields, and fortunately the city can expect the Master Plan by next year.