On behalf of Chief of Police Alberto Guajardo and the Eagle Pass Police Department we would like to take this opportunity to wish the Eagle Pass community a safe and happy 4th of July holiday.
The following points of interest are recommended by the department in order to provide a safe and happy environment for all during this holiday:
- ¥ Don't Drink and Drive, additional officers will be on patrol enforcing the DWI laws.
- ¥ Observe all traffic laws and speed limits to avoid citations and fines.
- ¥ Utilize safety belts on all passengers traveling in your vehicle; there must be a safety belt for each passenger.
- ¥ Utilize child safety seats as required by law.
- ¥ Fireworks are prohibited by city ordinance within the city limits of Eagle Pass.
Use or possession of fireworks within the city limits of Eagle Pass can result in a citation and municipal court fines.
- ¥ Always check for children or pets when exiting your vehicle due to the high heat temperatures.
Have fun, be responsible and be safe.