"Maverick County is blessed to have the leadership it does," stated State Senator Carlos Uresti, "People put aside their differences when it comes to common goals and coming together to make this happen." Uresti and State Representative Tracy O. King both made the time to be at this very significant event in the history of Maverick County, "Things like this don't happen overnight," closed Uresti, "But Representative King and I represent one of the largest districts in the State of Texas at more than 50,000 square miles, but it's also the second poorest with a per capita income of $12,500.00/Yr. our working families are not looking for a handout, they're looking for a helping hand and this facility brings that care they so desperately need." "A person who requires chemotherapy will stay here for 3-6 hours and be back in the comfort of their own home," said Juan Manuel Farias, MCHD Board Member, who is no stranger to medically related accomplishments such as this as he was on the board when the first renal dialysis clinic was constructed behind the Ford dealership in Eagle Pass, "They'll be surrounded by their loved ones and won't have to travel to a large city such as San Antonio." "Tres de cada diez Mexicanos sin importar su calidad migratoria tiene acceso de atención médica como esta clínica, “Three in ten Mexican citizens regardless of their migratory status have access to such fabulous medical facilities such as this," stated Mexican Consulate Ricardo Santana, "Y no por falta de beneficios, y es importante que tengamos la iniciativa de abrir centros como este que va a beneficiar mucho a personas que padecen de esta enfermedad. Es por esto que el cónsul estuvo presente en este hecho tan importante con agradecimiento a esta organización por este acontecimiento. “And it's not due to a lack of benefits. It is important that we have the initiative to open centers such as this which will benefit those who have this dreaded disease, that is why the Consulate is here today on this very important day to give his gratitude to this organization for such an endeavor.”