Staff -Eagle Pass
Today at 10:00 A.M. will mark the beginning of Fire Prevention Week with a ceremony which will be held at the Eagle Pass Fire Station. The event will also serve to recognize our fire fighters who day in and day out work to protect the citizens of Eagle Pass and Maverick County. A breakfast has been planned for invited guests where the firefighters will be recognized with the presentation of a placque comemorating the event. Jesus Rodriguez, Eagle Pass Fire Chief, stated that throughout the month they will be receiving visits from kindergarten and Pre-K classes who will be seeing first hand what goes on in a real fire station as well as the significance of dialing emergency 911 for distress situations. The firemen will educate the children about the responsibilities of being a fireman. This type of educational opportunity is very important as they too, may one day help to save a life in an emergency. They are expecting visits from hundreds of students of the EPISD. Every October is designated as Fire Prevention Month across the USA.