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Community Members Ask County Not to Raise Taxes Featured

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-Eagle Pass


Many more citizens showed up to the Public Hearing to request that Maverick County does not raise taxes on properties in Eagle Pass and Maverick County. Eight people came to the hearing an voiced their opinions on Thursday afternoon and expressed their disdain for the six cent rate hike for the next Fiscal Year which will kick in in October. There was a much higher attendance than the last hearing and they requested an audience with the County Judge. Ex-Fire Chief Guadalupe Cardona was in attendance once again and requested that taxes not be raised. Hector Cerna, Ricardo Oyervides, Rodolfo Lopez were also present to ask that taxes not be raised as well as veterans of foreign wars and housewives who are equally concerned were there as well.

Among the opinions of the people reunited at this meeting was the need for the County to seek resources and that these resources be administered appropriately. Representatives from the business sector who attended the meeting also came to the microphone to express their opinions and they discussed the situation which the County is found in at this time. Elderly citizens also attended the meeting and asked how they would spend any resources gained from such a raise in taxes. One citizen produced a letter signed by 250 citizens who are against the raise in taxes. Judge David Saucedo and Commissioner's Course heard the opinions of the gathering and it may be until September 20th when the County will adopt the new legislation for the upcoming Fiscal Year.

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