A.D. Ibarra
Eagle Pass Police officers and members of the Auto Theft Division of the EPPD were busy seen etching Vehicle Identification Numbers (VIN's) on the front windshields of vehicles on Friday morning in front of the police department.
This is a form of dissuasion for auto thieves to take these cars and trucks for the simple fact that if a vehicle has the VIN number etched into it, it automatically is entered in the Auto Theft data base and can be tracked that much more quickly giving officers the ability to nab these thieves quicker.
Another benefit of the program is the fact that most insurance companies honor the receipts given to the citizens with a discount on insurance premiums.
Auto Theft Investigator Rene Cardona had the following to add about the benefits of windshield etching, "It's a type of prevention," he said, "The main reasons we've seen in relation to auto thefts is because cars are left unlocked and some are even left with the key somewhere inside the vehicle."
Cardona said they are hoping to provide this service which is absolutely free and at no cost to citizens at least once a month in front of the Eagle Pass Police Department.
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