"While the statutes do not specifically call for having a vice-chair," said Farias, "It does not call for NOT having one."
He went on to elaborate that the position of Vice-President was established in 1965 when then legal counsel David Hume asked for the board to select four officers; a president, vice-president, secretary and a treasurer. The officers have remained as such ever since.
"You can have as many officers as needed according to legal counsel," added Farias, "You cannot do away with them."
Farias said that Calderon wants to stop them from getting said clarifications from Austin.
Hixon said that the discussion turned to the discussion of the MCHD tax roll and other items dealing with the budget of which Hixson said "this board was sensitive to these issues."
"We want to help people with inadequate funding to receive medical services. We probably pay out $1-2 million to the Fort Duncan Regional Medical Center that helps them care for people that don't have money."
They also discussed the need to support the movement against the Dos Republicas Coal Mining Partnership. The Maverick County Hospital District will be represented by CEO Terri Conteras and Dr. Hixson.