A.D. Ibarra
-EPISD Fine Arts Center
We caught up with Turner Ross, the director of 'Western' an award-winning documentary which they filmed in Piedras Negras.
The Ross Brothers and Executive Producer Michael Gottwald will be in town to unveil their creation with the assistance of the Arts Council of Eagle Pass, IBC Bank and the Maverick County Junior Livestock Show Association tonight at 7:30 at the EPISD Fine Arts Complex. The movie will be premiered and admission is free.
"We're thrilled to finally have the opportunity to finally bring the film to Eagle Pass. We make films for a living and have an extensive body of work, but we had a very profound experience of what the reality is of the modern frontier," said Turner Ross, who along with brother Bill, directed the documentary, "The first person we met was Chad who welcomed us and asked what we needed, and with a firm handshake, he began to introduce us to people. Everyone seemed to know him and know him well and we just followed hand shake after hand shake until we got a slice of life on the border."
Ross said he was not here to make an exposé which disarmed him saying that his demeanor and his love for this community enabled them to get an introduction into what life was like in Eagle Pass and Piedras Negras back then.
"There are some very human moments," added Ross, "Which allowed us to really see what life was like at that time and place. We want the film to provide hope as well as a feeling of what was going on in the community at the time. "
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