"Dentro de la formación, la sensibilización de agua fue discutido y cómo mantenerse seguro y cómo tener un plan de acción", dijo Carrazco quien mencionó que cuatro de los intengrantes del Depatamento de Bomberos de Eagle Pass asistieron a la capacitación, Chad Kaufman, Rogelio Barrientos, José Carlos Garza y Jason Mares, "Ellos también fueron capacitados en saber qué hacer antes de que se ejecuten un rescate ." Los bomberos practicaron natación en, utilizando cuerdas, otro usando un bote Zodiac similar a la última compra del EPFD que es una de las últimas piezas de equipo que tenemos que, como señaló Carrazco, es un bote de rescate al estilo militar. Los cuatro hombres regresaron con certificaciones después del entrenamiento en el río que ha visto caer gran cantidad de lluvia. se aprovecho de un aumento del flujo de agua, gracias a la liberación de esta agua por el Cuerpo de Ingenieros del Ejército donde asistieron miembros de once departamentos de bomberos de Austin a Laredo .
Fire Fighters Attend Task Force I Training
A.D. Ibarra
-Guadalupe River
Four Eagle Pass fire fighters went through a rigorous and highly effective training on the Guadalupe River which according to Training Specialist Felix Carrazco, entailed tactical rescue operations, basic water rescue and a combined white water rescue facet of the training.
"Within the training, water awareness was discussed and how to stay safe and how to have a plan of action," said Carrazco who mentioned that four of Eagle Pass' Finest attended the training, Chad Kaufman, Rogelio Barrientos, Jose Carlos Garza and Jason Mares, "They were also trained in knowing what to do before they execute their objectives given different scenarios."
The firemen practiced swimming in, using ropes, another using a Zodiac boat similar to the EPFD's latest purchase which is one of the latest pieces of equipment that we have which, as Carrazco noted, is a military style rescue boat.
All four men came back with certifications after training in the river which has seen significant rain fall as well as the release of water by the Army Corps of Engineers as they took advantage of increased water flow where members of eleven fire departments from Austin to Laredo attended.