La resolución dice que el MCDC se compone de más de 150 empresas e individuos que poseen y operan las empresas de negocios en Eagle Pass y el condado de Maverick, y que su objetivo es promover una mayor actividad económica aquí.
"El MCDC está interesado en el desarrollo económico y vemos a Dos Repúblicas como una empresa que va a crear puestos de trabajo, crear una afluencia de empleados, además de aumentar nuestra base de impuestos, siempre y cuando se mantengan en el cumplimiento de los locales, estatales y las leyes federales y del medio ambiente normas," declaró el presidente del Consejo de Desarrollo del Condado de Maverick, Saúl Fernández.
MCDC shows support of Dos Republicas
The Maverick County Development Corporation has issued a resolution in support of the Dos Republicas Coal Partnership.
The corporation is a tool for Maverick County to invite industry to our part of South Texas and they work constantly to do so.
MCDC states on their literature and information that Eagle Pass welcomes business with its pro-growth policies, gives industry examples of why Eagle Pass is an ideal place to come to and has the resources and distributional reach to meet business’ expansion needs with an enthusiastic labor pool, well-maintained infrastructure, including two international bridges as well as an international railway, highway and port shipping, an academically recognized school system, excellent medical and financial services, as well as room to grow with available land, buildings, and commercial or industrial parks.
The resolution reads that the MCDC is comprised of over 150 businesses and individuals who own and operate business enterprises in Eagle Pass and Maverick County and that their goal is to promote increased economic activity here.
"The MCDC is interested in economic development and we see Dos Republicas as a company that is going to create jobs, create an influx of employees and it will increase our tax base as long as they remain in compliance of local, state and federal laws and environmental standards," stated the President of the Maverick County Development Council, Saul Fernandez.