"El Concilio consiguió 1.3 millones y 1 millón para el mantenimiento preventivo. A partir de hoy la ciudad ha reconstruido/ 85,384 pies lineales o 16,2 millas de calles de la ciudad," dijo Director de Obras Públicas, Héctor Chávez.
"Las calles se habían presupuestado a costar $3,879,008, agregó el hombre a cargo de las obras públicas de nuestra ciudad, "El uso de mano de obra cuenta la fuerza y el equipo, la ciudad se ha salvado de la financiación durante el proyecto."
"Reconstrucción de la Leona está en curso de Ceylon a Comercial, aproximadamente $73,054 pies cuadrados a un costo de $120,539."
Este proyecto de mejora de capital ha estado en curso de este año que ha incluido el micro sellado de muchas calles dentro de los límites de nuestra ciudad .
Capital Improvement Projects in full swing
Eagle Pass Public Works is busy paving a stretch of Leona Street between Ceylon and Madison as to allow traffic to be diverted to other areas as school prepares to begin.
The project will remove existing asphalt and replace it with the same material in what Public Works Director Hector Chavez deems a "minor stretch of road."
"City Council awarded 1.3 million and 1 million for preventative maintenance. As of today the city has reconstructed/microsealed 85,384 lineal feet or 16.2 miles of City streets," said Public Works Director Hector Chavez.
"The streets had been budgeted to cost $3,879,008 if they had been contracted out," added the man in charge of our city's public works, "Using force account labor and equipment, the city has saved funding during the project."
"Reconstruction of Leona is on-going from Ceylon to Commercial, approximately $73,054 square feet at a cost of $120,539."
This capital improvement project has been ongoing this year which has included the micro sealing of many streets making travel within our city's limits very smooth for motorists.