El hecho de que el virus se transmite al ser humano por la picadura de mosquitos, y se ha detectado en los pacientes en los Estados Unidos, incluyendo el estado de Texas, con dos casos importados por otros medios.
El Departamento de Salud de Texas está haciendo un llamado a la comunidad en general de este estado para evitar el contacto directo con los mosquitos y protegerse a sí mismos mediante el uso de repelentes de mosquitos que contengan DEET, y usar camisas de manga larga y pantalones largos.
También recomiendan para drenar los pozos de agua estancada, tales como recipientes de basura o platos de macetas, porque los mosquitos se reproducen en agua estancada dentro y fuera de los hogares.
Recordamos que hace unos años, el primer caso de la enfermedad del Nilo Occidental en un paciente que estaba postrado en cama, en una silla de ruedas después de contraer el virus por los mosquitos se registró aquí en Eagle Pass.
First case of West Nile Virus detected in Texas
The first case of the West Nile virus, was confirmed yesterday by the Texas Department of Health in a patient in Williamson County, located near the capital Austin.
According to a press release from the Department of State Health Services, the patient returned to Texas from a trip to the Caribbean, where the West Nile disease has ravaged people since late 2013.
The fact that the virus is transmitted to people through mosquito bites, and has been detected in patients in the United States, including the state of Texas, with two cases imported by other means.
The Texas Department of Health is making an appeal to the community at large of this state to avoid direct contact with mosquitoes and protect themselves by using mosquito repellents containing DEET, and use long-sleeved shirts and long pants.
They also recommend to drain stagnant water wells, such as trash bins and plant saucers because mosquitoes breed in stagnant water inside and outside homes.
We recall that a few years ago, the first case of West Nile disease in a patient who was bedridden in a wheelchair after contracting the virus by mosquitoes was recorded here in Eagle Pass.