Sheriff del Condado de Maverick, Tom Schmerber, afirmó que las negociaciones para el traslado de prisioneros estatales son casi completa ya que ha firmado el contrato y está esperando la aprobación de funcionarios del condado de Webb para comenzar ayudándolos con su exceso de presos, que beneficiará a ambos partes.
La capacidad de la instalación es de 250 y hay 65 presos locales están alojados allí. Schmerber espera al Comandante Gutiérrez de Webb Co. que le enviara los primeros 50 detenidos de inmediato y 50 más en las próximas semanas.
Sheriff to finalize Transfer of Prisoners from Webb Co.
Negotiations of the transfer of prisoners from the Webb County Detention Center to the Tom Bowles Detention Center are coming closer and closer to fruition.
Maverick County Sheriff, Tom Schmerber, stated that negotiations for the transfer of state prisoners are almost complete as he has signed the contract and is awaiting approval from Webb County officials to begin assisting them with their excess prisoners, that will benefit both counties.
The capacity of the facility is 250 and there are 65 local prisoners being housed there. Schmerber expects Commander Gutierrez of Webb Co. to send him the first 50 prisoners right away and 50 more in the coming weeks.