"For some reason, the enrollment is down in this area for these services which can help families to have their kids in a great academic setting, acquiring early phonics skills and it doesn't cost these parents a penny," added Martinez.
He says they can't quite put their finger on why these numbers are down of whether our economy is improving so much that families incomes are rising as well with the coming of the Eagle Ford Shale Project. Rules which coincide with the application process may also be a factor, but what is for sure is that funds do exist and are in place for parents to get this assistance which can help them either part time where they could have their children in day care for five ours or even full-time for eight hours a day.
The important thing is for all working mothers to come and apply, the helpful people at the Texas Workforce Center are there to help. You'll never know if you don't come by to see if you qualify now while the demand is high and funds are available.
Give your Workforce Center a call today at 830-773-1191 and see how they can help you or you can dial 211 for additional information.