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A Lack of Bus Drivers Prompts School District to Recruit New Trainees Featured

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According to new Superintendent of Schools Gilbert Gonzalez a recent shortfall in bus drivers has forced the district to look for new potential candidates for the position. Humberto Araiza, Transportation director for the district informed us that his department will be offering training to acquire the appropriate licensing to drive school busses. 


This developing issue has been on the rise since the onset of the expansion of the FordShale project in and near the Carrizo Springs area. Many of our skilled workforce here locally have taken on jobs in the petroleum industry due to the competitive wages that are being offered. 

In order to accommodate for the shortfall in staff the district under the guidance of Gilbert Gonzalez have set new times for the buses to run their routes. The high school swill be entering classes at 8:45 a.m. and will dismissed 15 minutes later than their usual times. This will potentially allow bus drivers to make their pick-ups of elementary and junior high students before picking up high school students.

The trend that our community has been seeing of our skilled workforce leaving to the petroleum industry has been on the rise. According to local authorities the wages are just simply much higher in the petroleum industry, for example a district bus driver can make up to 11 dollars per hour while they could stand to make up to 24 hours per hour working for an oil company. This is an example of how the petroleum industry can have many financial advantages to our economy but also may prove to be a challenge to our local commerce in keeping skilled workers here ion Eagle Pass.

Last modified on Thursday, 16 August 2012 21:07

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