The Mavs never looked back after a one-yard plunge by Elizondo after a michael Santillano interception and two rushing touchdowns by Neon Deion Alonso one from 12 yards out and the other a 20 yarder which put the Mavericks up big insuring their first district win of the season.
Chris Aranda took his RB hat of and came up with a pick himself taking it to the LBJ 22 which set up one of Alonso's TD's.
Okie's charges did not go down without a fight despite the impressive defensive performances by Steven Garcia, George Andrade, Victor Miranda and Jose Luis Flores. LBJ QB Arturo Jasso scored late in the third quarter as injuries have plagued the Wolves all season long after having lost two running backs and a linebacker to ACL injuries.
After the game a warm embrace ended the week-long silence between the two coaches as Juve and Bermea congratulated the Mav staff as at least Domingo Lopez I know was a teammate of Peter's at EPJ 2000.
The Mavericks will tangle with the Laredo United Longhorns at the Foster-Veteran's Memorial Stadium on November 1st.