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Claudio Heredia steps down from EPISD Board

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Cites nepotism laws as main reason for resignation


A.D. Ibarra

-Eagle Pass


In a surprise aspect of Tuesday night's EPISD Board of Trustees meeting, Claudio Heredia, member of the board, tendered his letter of recognition effective Wednesday.

We've had a good run and we have a good board in place who will continue to move forward, " stated Heredia in an interview via phone on Wednesday as he states he will continue to work for the benefit of the kids and the community of eagle Pass who he feels have blessed him throughout his life, "This doesn't mean I'm going away and I will continue working for our children and for this community."

The main reason for this decision, Heredia mentioned, is the fact that family members may be eligible to be hired in the coming months by the EPISD and in his opinion, "Their happiness and their right to earn a living is more important to me, and as a lawyer, I have to respect nepotism laws as they apply to us all and to all board members and after getting legal counsel from our attorney, I decided it was best for me to resign."

Mr. Heredia further informed The News Gram that he and his colleagues will continue to support the youth of Eagle Pass and youth athletics by sponsoring the Shooting Stars Elite Basketball Shooting Clinic with the San Antonio Spurs' very own Danny Green on August 5th among other avenues which he has always been a part of as he was also instrumental in the passing of the bond to construct the EPISD Sports Complex and now the Cozel Foster-Veterans Memorial Stadium.

The Eagle Pass News Gram salutes Claudio Heredia for all he has done for the community and for the youth of Maverick County and for his tenure in the EPISD Board of Trustees.

"I would like to thank all those who supported me and am very appreciative for the vote I got in November, for this I am eternally grateful and I will continue to serve my community in any way that I can."

Last modified on Thursday, 11 July 2013 16:52

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