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Valdez appointed new County Treasurer; Aleman abstains from voting

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A.D. Ibarra



-Eagle Pass



The last special meeting of Maverick County Commissioner's Court was an interesting one yet not one without drama. At the onset of the meeting, during the visitor's comments, Guadalupe Cardona came forward and, after congratulating Roberto Ruiz on his new appointment as commissioner, and seemingly complimentary on the future of this particular group of commissioners as he was sure that they will work together from here forward, it did not seem as though he would go off on a negative tangent as he read the following prepared statement: "I've come to congratulate Mr. Ruiz for his appointment, there is now no doubt in my mind that you will all work in harmony, for now we have a right-wing Democratic Court. You all think alike now." At this point, he put away his prepared message and addressed Commissioner's Court in Spanish: "<I've known Mr. Ruiz for many years, and even ran against him thirty years ago.

People voted him out. I have had debates with Mr. Ruiz, and I'm not saying that he is a bad person but, 'Did he do anything in those eight years?' Now he wants to come again, to do and undo, I assure Mr. Ruiz, that many to half of these people (Of Precinct 4) would be agaist it. Now, how do you think you can work and fix Precinct 4 now when to begin with, there is no money? No equipment, everything is out of commission.>" It was here when Cardona related a situation which we were unfamiliar with and that may have occurred many years ago in which he was allegedly addressed inappropriately by the commissioner. "< I'm not saying that I am against this appointment, but what I see here, is that I don't think, with all due respect to you Mr. Ruiz, because you are a good person, but I don't think that one person can hold three different positions and that there is no one else in the entire county who can do these things, to be County Treasurer, commissioner and the assistant to the County Judge. I know that the judge is trying to do his best, but there are times that we make decisions which are not beneficial to the community. Our people are still losing their homes due to the the bad decisions that these people have made. Let's see, how many people did he fire today>?" It was at this juncture that the judge informed Cardona that he had gone over his allocated time limit and that he would have to relinquish the microphone so that the meeting could begin. What we were not aware at the time was who he was referring to, the staff at the Precinct 4 Parks and Recreation Department of whom seven were allegedly let go by Ruiz sometime on Monday. These employees work at the park area known as Panchito's at the Nick Carr Sports Complex, some of the best-kept parks in the county. When the meeting did get underway, it was Commissioner Daniela Aleman who raised the first question of the evening after she herself made the motion to accept Ruiz' resignation from his position as treasurer. What she did not know was who was to be recommended to replace him. When she questioned the judge as to who was going to be nominated, it was as if she was not aware that the position would be filled that evening despite it clearly being on the agenda. Judge Saucedo was asked if the person in question, who he later informed Mrs. Aleman was Rito Valdez IV, a local businessman and a member of the MCHD Board of Directors. Her first question was would Valdez have to resign from his position to take this job, to which Saucedo responded that he does not know, he was sure that he's willing to put in his time into what he termed an 'All the time' job, but he's not sure what he would do with his time while not on this job as it would not be a requirement to do so. When asked if he had accounting experience Judge Saucedo did confirm this fact. When the votes were cast, it was 4-0-1 with Commissioner Aleman choosing to abstain.





Last modified on Wednesday, 20 March 2013 15:05

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