La jefa González tiene más de 25 años de experiencia policial y está lista para tomar la iniciativa para garantizar que el departamento de policía de nuestra comunidad priorice la seguridad y la eficacia de la ley.
El martes, la jefa González estuvo acompañada por su familia en una pequeña ceremonia privada donde juró como jefa de policía interina de la ciudad de Eagle Pass.
Este es un evento histórico ya que la jefa González se ha convertido en la primera mujer jefa de policía de nuestra gran ciudad.
La secretaria de la ciudad, Erika Rodríguez, administró el juramento oficial del cargo, que fue aceptado y firmado.
"Felicitaciones a la jefa interina González", dijo el alcalde de la ciudad, Rolando Salinas.
"Esperamos seguir trabajando con la jefa González para garantizar la seguridad de nuestra comunidad", agregó el administrador de la ciudad, Homero Balderas.
PD Officer Amy Gonzalez Officially Sworn In as Chief of Police
The City of Eagle Pass on Tuesday officially made community history when longtime police department officer Amy Gonzalez was sworn in as interim chief of police.
Chief Gonzalez has over 25 years of policing experience and is ready to take the lead in ensuring that our community's police department prioritizes safety and effectiveness of the law.
On Tuesday, Chief Gonzalez was joined by her family in a small private ceremony where she was sworn in as Interim Chief of Police for the City of Eagle Pass.
This is a historic event as Chief Gonzalez has become the first female Chief of Police for our great city.
City Secretary Erika Rodriguez administered the official oath of office, which was accepted and signed.
"Congratulations to Interim Chief Gonzalez," said City Mayor Rolando Salinas.
"We look forward to continuing working with Chief Gonzalez in ensuring our community's safety," added City Manager Homero Balderas.