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Situation Escalating in Retaining Wall Breakage; State May be Called in to Assist

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The situation stemming from the breaking of a retaining wall in the Maverick County Water Control and Improvement District has escalated to the point of a large part of Precinct 3 as well as the Maverick County Detention Center who will soon be out of water due to the breakage.
Measures have been taken to transport water from the river to tanks at the Maverick County Water Plant in order to process it for public use.
Residents in the area have been notified of mandatory water rationing due to the necessary repair of the retaining wall.
County Judge David Saucedo called an emergency meeting on Monday to discuss the situation with a panel of experts from the MCWCID, the Maverick County Water Plant, area farmers and ranchers among others as to what would be the plan of action in terms of requesting State aid in order to repair the damages to the waterway.
David Saucedo and his office has the authority to formally request aid of this nature and his office is working diligently to acquire the necessary assistance in order to alleviate an emergency situation which has escalated in the past few days.
The damages are extensive and it is affecting local residents in that there is no water available for irrigation or livestock.
Area residents are once again asked to conserve water usage for only human consumption as there are approximately 250 registered users in the affected area.

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