Los días de recolección de basura para el feriado de Acción de Gracias continuarán normalmente.
Durante este tiempo, el EPPWD también quisiera pedirles a los residentes de la comunidad que tomen las medidas adecuadas para identificar su contenedor de basura.
Puede anotar el número de identificación que está impreso en el bote de basura o simplemente tomar una foto del número para sus registros.
Recuerde sacar sus contenedores de basura a tiempo para que no haya problemas durante la recolección.
Trash pickup to Continue Normal Hours
The Eagle Pass Public Works Department (EPPWD) is notifying the community that Trash Pick-Ups collection dates and times will continue at their regular schedule and will not be changed or stopped during the holidays. Trash Collection days for the Thanksgiving holiday will continue as normal. During this time the EPPWD would also like to ask community residents to please take the proper steps to identify your trash bin. You can either write down the identification number which is printed on the trash can or simply take a photo of the number for your records. Remember to put out your trash bins on time so there will be no problems during pickup.